Among the Prophets

by Philip R. Davies

Published 1 January 1993
Prophetic symbolism is one of the key topics of this volume. On Isaiah, John F.A. Sawyer finds radical images of Yahweh, Kenneth T. Aitken looks at the metamorphosis of the key motif of hearing, seeing and understanding, Michael L. Barre examines lions and birds in 31.4-5, and Marvin A. Sweeney re-examines vmes(tm)s in 8.6. The imagery of Ezekiel is explored by Leslie C. Allen (the 'Death Valley' vision) and M.G. Swanepoel (Ezekiel 16 and female images of Israel), and Alan Cooper and Athalya Brenner write on the book of Jonah. Two essays of more general scope deal with the search for unity in Isaiah (David Carr) and the redactional shape of Nahum 1 (James Nogalski). An attractive and stimulating volume which reflects the liveliness of current research on the prophetic literature.

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The book starts from the problem defined by recent archaeological discovery about the societies that formed the backbone of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, their origins and their relationship. It has become clear that the biblical notion of a 12-tribe 'nation' united by descent and religion does not correspond to these findings. The challenge is not to argue endlessly about how far the differing accounts can be reconciled, as a prolongation of an old debate about biblical 'historicity', but to try and understand what historical, social and cultural process led to the production of the biblical portrait of an Israel of 12 tribes embracing two kingdoms. Davies argues for the importance of the role of Bethel as a royal sanctuary, then a central sanctuary of the Neo-Babylonian and Persian province of Judah.In particular, the figure of Jacob as the ancestor of 'Israel', associated with Bethel, became the eponym of the biblical 'all Israel' and the name 'Israel' survived as the name of a new society, even as Jerusalem was re-established as the major, and subsequently the only, official Judaean temple.Series Editors: Claudia Camp and Andrew Mein, formerly "Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement".
This is a book series that features original and creative approaches to the interpretation of Old Testament literature. "The Bible in the 21st Century" series, a part of JSOTS, seeks to examine contemporary authoritative and cultural meanings of bibles by focusing on the processes of transmission, readership and actualization of biblical texts up to and including the twenty-first century. The series explores issues related to contemporary culture and the place of the bible and religion within it. "Copenhagen International Seminar" is also part of JSOTS.