Unspoken Lies

by Darrien Lee

Published 1 April 2010
Cherise McKenzie, an Atlanta crime scene investigator, and her husband, Detective Mason McKenzie, have experienced some turbulent ups and downs in their marriage over the years. With demanding careers and two children, the McKenzies find themselves spending more time apart than together, which allows infidelity with a trusted loved one to darken their doorstep.

It is only through a series of near tragic events and a lot of prayer that the young couple is able to rebuild their lives and rekindle the love they once shared. Everything is going great for the McKenzies, and their careers now complement their lives instead of complicating them. Mason and Cherise are determined to keep family first in their lives; however, their devotion will be tested once again when tragedy strikes, leaving Cherise to make a decision that could not only cost her marriage, but the one person she loves more than life itself.