Who Lies Where

by Michael Kerrigan

Published 6 November 1995
Organized regionally, county-by-county, this work lists the burial places of a vast array of people, from 10th-century monarchs to 20th-century football heroes. It includes well-known sites - Glasgow Necropolis, St Paul's Cathedral in London, Highgate Cemetery, home to Karl Marx, Ralph Richardson, Christina Rossetti and George Eliot - and places known generally only be association with a famous individual: Caldbeck in Cumbria, where huntsman John Peel fell; Choosey in Oxfordshire, where Agatha Christie's plot is found; East Coker in Somerset, where the Eliot family, including its most famous poetic son - T.S. is buried; and Harpenden, where Eric Morecambe is commemorated. As well as exploring sites linked to individuals, the guide details the burial practices of past times with examples of the Ressurrectionists' looting, of the plague pits and of gruesome collective burial plots.