Ancient Rome

by Mike Corbishley and Chris Tsielepi

Published 19 November 1991
The History of an Empire, the first part of this volume in the Cultural Atlas for Young People set, tells the story of the Romans as they grew from a limited republic into the most important and powerful empire in the ancient world. Maps illustrate specific themes or topics, and charts give important dates and events aiding students in the understanding of Roman history. Topics covered include the mysterious Etruscans, the rise of Julius Caesar, Roman men and women, the Roman baths, imperial Rome, and the Roman ship. The second part. The Geography of an Empire, looks at the effect the Romans had on the lands they conquered. Detailed maps show the extent of the empire, from Africa to Britain to Asia. Topics discussed in this part include the Roman town, buildings and technology, the Roman villa, Greece, and the exotic East.

The Middle Ages

by Mike Corbishley

Published 1 September 1990
The Middle Ages begins with a section examining the development of the most important empires that defined the medieval world. Specialized topics that receive coverage include the barbarian movements, the empire of Justinian, Viking expansion, the Byzantine Empire, the Crusades, the German Empire, and the medieval Church. The second section considers in greater detail individual countries that remain to comprise Europe today, and it provides a deeper examination of their histories. Topics include France, Italy, the British Isles, Spain and Portugal, Switzerland, Germany and the Low Countries, Hungary, Greece and the Balkans, as well as Russia and Poland.