"Inside the Tomb of Tutankhamun" approaches its subject from two angles. Firstly it explores the world of Ancient Egypt and the politics surrounding the rule of the boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. Secondly, it looks at the pioneering work of Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in the 1920s, and the fascination as the world looked on in awe at their discoveries. The book not only provides an invaluable introduction to a particularly turbulent period of Egyptian history, but also seeks to answer questions about what happened to the Tomb in the years following Tutankhamun's burial. The book features cutaway diagrams, picture-strips of the lives of Tutankhamun and Carter, illustrations of Ancient Egyptian life, maps and impressive photographs taken during the excavation and after wards. Informative captions, a complete glossary, time lines and an index make this title an ideal educational text. Fits into the guidelines for Key Stage 2 History - 'A' study of the key features, including the everyday lives of men, women and children, of Ancient Egypt'.
It also fits into Key Stage 3 History as a 'study of some of the significant individuals, events and developments from across the twentieth century'. It helps achieve the goals of the Scottish Standard Curriculum 5-14, promoting 'positive attitudes to learning', 'knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the world' and 'skills in literacy'.