Robins and Chats

by Nigel Redman, Simon Harrap, and Chris Rose

Published 31 December 2000

Tits, Nuthatches and Creepers

by Simon Harrap and David Quinn

Published 30 November 1995
This guide covers all 110 of the world's species of tits, nuthatches and creepers. The Parulidae ("true" tits), Remizidae (penduline tits) and Aegithalidae (long-tailed tits) form the bulk of the book (78 species), with a further 24 species of nuthatch and eight creepers. The text covers each species under a number of headings: identification, sex and age, voice, distribution and movements, habitat, population, habits, breeding biology, description, movements, geographical variation, relationships, and references. Simon Harrap is co-author of "Birdwatching in Britain", and co-author of the forthcoming "Helm Identification Guides to Robins and Chats and Thrushes". David Quinn co-illustrated "New World Warblers" and is a winner of the "British Birds Bird Illustrator of the Year" competition.