Book 10

Organ Transplants

by Tina P Schwartz

Published 1 January 2005
This is a one-of-a-kind book that addresses the issue of what it's like to be involved with an organ transplant procedure. It's filled with real-life stories of teens whose parents, siblings, or other family members are transplant recipients as well as teens who have had transplants themselves and includes stories of recipients who have received heart, liver, kidney, pancreas, and double-lung transplants. This book describes the physical and emotional ups and downs that are part of the transplant process. It addresses, from both the recipient's and family's point of view, what it feels like to be placed on the transplant list, to wait for an organ, to receive "false alarm" calls to come to the transplant center, to finally undergo the transplant operation, to recover, to deal with setbacks of surgery and organ rejection, and to live on anti-rejection drugs the rest of one's life. Also detailed are the medical, financial, mental, and other preparations that must be undertaken as part of the transplant process. Guidance on what to expect, how to help, where to seek assistance, and how to support the patient is also given. Answers to the tough practical and emotional questions that teens have about an organ transplant, such as will my parent survive the surgery, how long will it take for my parent to recover, and why is this happening to me are discussed? Numerous question-and-answer sections of frequently asked questions about organ transplants and the myths that surround them are included, as well as contact information for organizations that provide many forms of assistance for recipients and their families. Through all the serious issues, however, this book offers much hope and promise for recipients and their families through the stories of those whose lives have been greatly improved through an organ transplant. This is the ideal resource for all readers who are interested in the subject of organ donation and transplant, including those who are facing a transplant and their family members as well a

Book 27

Writing and Publishing

by Tina P Schwartz

Published 31 December 2009
Edgar Allen Poe, Langston Hughes, Louisa May Alcott, and Stephen King are just a handful of famous authors who began their publishing careers in their teens. Many young adults would like to write and publish but few know where to begin. While there are many books on how to write and how to get published, none are written specifically for teens. Writing and Publishing: The Ultimate Teen Guide fills this gap. In this book, author Tina Schwartz discusses many matters that are not often presented in guides to writing and publishing, such as the importance of mentors and critique groups, as well as courses and extracurricular activities that can be of great help to the up-and-coming teen author. The book explores various writing careers and the basics of publishing and marketing, including how to write query letters. Schwartz also provides tips on writing both fiction and nonfiction, as well as genres a new author can explore, like poetry and songwriting. With this resource, teens will find all the information they need to develop writing skills and build confidence as a writer.

Book 42


by Tina P Schwartz

Published 1 January 2014
Nearly one in six people will develop major depression, and teens are just as susceptible as adults-if not more so. Serious depression afflicts more than two million teenagers each year in the United States alone, but it can often be difficult for teens to recognize their ailment and get help. Clearly, teens with depression are not alone, and it is important that they realize the condition does not have to be "forever" but is something they can work toward overcoming.

In Depression: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Tina P. Schwartz helps teens and young adults learn how to deal with this often debilitating affliction. Throughout the book, teens tell their personal stories of living with depression and other mood disorders, describe what treatments were successful and what were not, and share how they are coping today. Topics covered in this book include

*warning signs and symptoms
*internal and external triggers
*coping mechanisms
*stigmas of mental health issues
*preserving relationships
*helping a sibling, parent, or friend who suffers from depression

Aimed to support teens and young adults who might otherwise feel helpless and hopeless about their situation, Depression: The Ultimate Teen Guide is a valuable resource. This book will benefit not only teens dealing with depression but also their family and friends.