Book 1

Lunch Witch

by Deb Lucke

Published 1 January 2015

Book 2

Knee-Deep in Niceness

by Deb Lucke

Published 25 October 2016

Grunhilda the Witch has a weakness, a tiny soft spot on her black and crusty heart. She continues to hide the nice feelings she has when she gets a letter from former Salem Elementary student Madison. But she can't keep up the ruse for long because her familiars are onto her… and so are her ancestors! The familiars search her hovel and find her collection of letters from Madison. Mr. Williams has a solution, but it involves making a meanness potion from the book that Is-Not-To-Be-Used-By-Anyone-Other-Than Witches! But anything that can go wrong does when he accidentally mixes up a positivity potion instead and it starts to affect everyone in town!