A practical guide providing the inside scoop on healthcare choices, therapies to make living with arthritis an optimum experience and medicines that really work and won't slow you down. Both traditional medical and alternative treatment options are explained. The book evaluates and ranks real solutions, provides up-to-date scoop on antibiotics and therapies, and offers exercise and nutritional tips for managing the many types of arthritis. A variety of Internet resources that enhance research and decision-making abilities are introduced. A glossary explains the buzzwords in plain English, and checklists advise on questions to ask, items to research and steps to take. Further reading material is also recommended.

This guide makes recommendations for managing personal finance through careful investing, budgeting, organizing debts and future planning. It offers a clear assessment of individual money personalities and what to do if yours differs from your partner's, with concise explanations of where personal money attitudes originate. There is also advice on how to teach children a constructive attitude towards money, effective means for setting realistic goals and how to stay within a budget.