Red Means Run

by Brad Smith

Published 10 January 2012
Mickey Dupree is one of the most successful criminal attorneys in upstate New York. The upside of being Mickey: he has never lost a capital murder case. The downside: Mickey has a lot of enemies, and one of them has just driven the shaft of a golf club through his heart, leaving him dead in a sand trap at his exclusive country club. The cops, led by a gung ho but dim-witted detective named Joe Brady, focus their attentions on Virgil Cain. Just two weeks earlier, Virgil told a crowded bar that "somebody ought to blow Mickey's head off," after the slippery lawyer earned an acquittal for Alan Comstock, the man accused of murdering Virgil's wife. Comstock, a legendary record producer, gun nut, and certifiable lunatic, has returned to his estate, where he lives with his wife, the long-suffering Jane. Virgil is convinced that the fix is in when Brady immediately throws him into jail with no investigation. So Virgil escapes from custody, determined to find Mickey's killer himself. His only ally is the smart and sexy Claire Marchand, a detective who is at least willing to consider that Virgil may be telling the truth. Now it's up to Virgil to prove his innocence, and to do that he needs to find the killer. Before the killer finds him.

Crow's Landing

by Brad Smith

Published 7 August 2012
For roguish cynic Virgil Cain, a day of fishing on the Hudson River yields much more than he bargained for. Pulling up anchor, he drags in a mysterious steel cylinder - news which soon spreads around the local marina. When a crooked city cop then seizes both the cylinder and the boat, Virgil is left in a quandary.

Deciding to pursue his boat, Virgil becomes embroiled with captivating single mother, Dusty, who knows far too much about the cocaine hidden inside the cylinder, and an old drug deal gone sour. Faced with a dealer who desperately needs his cylinder back, a murderous sidekick, and a wild card crazy Russian cowboy, Virgil and Dusty find themselves trapped in the middle and desperate for a way out.

Shoot The Dog

by Brad Smith

Published 6 August 2013

In upstate New York, Virgil Cain is drawing hay when two movie scouts appear from nowhere and offer him $500 a day to use his horses in their film. In need of cash, Virgil reluctantly pockets the money, but the chaotic movie set soon proves more trouble than it's worth.

With a talent-challenged director vying for authority with a lecherous invesĀ­tor and casino owner called Ronnie Red Hawk, the atmosphere is tense. But when the film's leading lady turns up dead, Virgil realises that far more is at stake than the making of a blockbuster movie. While his natural inclination is to leave the whole bunch to stew in their own juices, he suspects that charming ten-year-old actress Georgia is next, and he just can't let that happen, even if it does throw him into a world of danger.