Discover the greatest wonders the ancient world has to offer, from Stonehenge to Angkor Wat and from Machu Picchu to the Great Wall of China. Get up close to their unique features and marvel at their breathtaking dimensions. What threats and challenges to these special phenomena face, and what is being done to ensure their survival for future generations to enjoy?

Discover the greatest wonders of nature the world has to offer, from the Grand Canyon to Uluru and from the Serengeti Migration to the Aurora Borealis. Get up close to their unique features and marvel at their breathtaking dimensions. What threats and challenges to these special phenomena face, and what is being done to ensure their survival for future generations to enjoy?

Discover the greatest manmade wonders the world has to offer, from the Empire State Building to the Sydney Opera House and from the Eiffel Tower to the Large Hadron Collider. Get up close to their unique features and marvel at their breathtaking dimensions. What threats and challenges to these special phenomena face, and what is being done to ensure their survival for future generations to enjoy?

Discover the most amazing and unusual wonders the world has to offer, from Greece's Meteora Monasteries to India's Ajanta Caves and from Belize's Great Blue Hole to Mexico's Cave of Crystals. Get up close to their unique features and marvel at their breathtaking dimensions. What threats and challenges to these special phenomena face, and what is being done to ensure their survival for future generations to enjoy? Perfect for readers 9 and up.