Eighty-eight lavishly illustrated pages of stepby-step coloured drawings and photographs teaches you how to grow orchids confidently, successfully and professionally. Written for the amateur and the professional without access to sophisticated laboratory equipment and chemicals, this contains all you need to know to become an expert.

Growing Hardy Orchids introduces an exciting array of orchids from 47 diverse genera that can be cultivated in a cool greenhouse or outside, in their rightful place among other temperate garden plants. Taking important lessons from the orchids' natural histories and life cycles, the authors provide practical information on all aspects of growing hardy orchids: raising plants from seed, vegetative propagation, cultivation in pots and in open ground, coping with pests and diseases and orchid conservation. By focusing on orchids that are `easy to raise', including hardy hybrids, Growing Hardy Orchids shows how orchids need no longer be under-utilised in our gardens.

Growing Windowsill Orchids

by Philip Seaton

Published 2 February 2010
From elegant warmth-loving moth orchids to exquisite slipper orchid, Growing Windowsill Orchids tells you everything you need to know about successful orchid growing in the home. Written in non-technical language and copiously illustrated with photographs and informative line drawings, this new edition of the bestselling book provides advice on how to choose the best plant, how to look after your orchid when it has finished flowering and how to get it to flower again year after year.

Cultivation advice includes the best place to grow your plants in the home, how frequently to water and feed your plants and how to keep them free from pests and disease. Step-by-step instructions explain how and when to repot your plants, what composts to use and when to water. For readers who wish to learn more about their orchids, Phil delves into the basis of orchid biology, conservation and how plants get from the nursery to your shop.

The second edition has up to date information as well as new advancements in orchid conservation that relate back to the orchid growing in your home.