Polly Parrot loves being a pirate parrot, but sometimes life on board ship can be quite hard. She has no perch, and every time she lands on a mast it seems a sail is unfurled and she's knocked off. The captain has his bed, the sailors have their hammocks, but poor Polly has nowhere to sleep. One day, Polly is so tired that she goes to sleep when she's supposed to be on lookout. The ship nearly crashes on some rocks, but luckily Nell notices and stops the ship in time. Polly feels awful. But the crew realise that they haven't been very kind to Polly and buy her a new perch so that she can have somewhere to sleep

The books in the 'Pirates to the Rescue' series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.

Captain Cod asks Davy to be careful moving cannonballs about, but poor Davy ignores him and ends up dropping a heavy cannonball through a hatch where it goes right through the keel causing a leak. Davy is so embarrassed he shuts the hatch and goes to bed. The next morning, he wakes up to find the bottom of the boat is full of water. He decides it's time he owns up and bravely goes to see the captain. But will it be too late to save the ship? Will Davy get into trouble for not be honest in the first place?

The books in the 'Pirates to the Rescue' series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.

This brilliantly funny story about pirates shows how important it can be to work together as a team.
A huge storm is approaching the Golden Duck and Captain Cod needs to get the ship's sails down quickly before they are torn apart in the storm. He asks each pirate one by one to pull down a sail. But the pirates struggle on their own and the storm gets worse. Will anyone realise that they need all hands on deck to work as a team to get the job done. Can they pull together in time to save the ship?

The books in the 'Pirates to the Rescue' series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.

Ahoy There! Pirates Can Listen

by Tom Easton

Published 12 November 2015

This funny story about pirates will also show how important it is to listen.

The pirate crew of the 'Golden Duck' are excited about going into Port Pegleg to spend their gold coins. However, no one listens to Captain Cod's warning about his old enemy, Captain Blackears and his Horrid Pirates, who want to steal the pirate crew's treasure and hold the pirates for ransom. Has not listening to Captain Cod put the pirates in danger? If so, can good listening save them?

The books in the 'Pirates to the Rescue' series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.

Bad luck hits the ship, the 'Golden Duck' when, during a storm, the captain's wooden leg is broken, Polly Parrot is hit by lightning and loses all her feathers and Nell loses her only bandanna.

While they are anchored by a small island for repairs, Sam goes ashore to find supplies. He finds a bag of coins which he keeps secret from everyone else. When they set sail again, he is torn between wanting to buy things for himself or wanting to buy things for his friends. When they reach the mainland shops, what will Sam choose to do?

The books in the 'Pirates to the Rescue' series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.

Captain Cod is finding that his crew aren't being very polite to him. When he orders Peter to hoist the main sail, he just gets grunted at. When he helps Sam bake biscuits, Sam doesn't even say thank you. And when Davy Jones walks into the captain's cabin without knocking, it's the final straw. After all, he was in his bath!

When the ship is attacked by a band of Rotten Pirates, the crew don't know what to do. They rush to the Captain's cabin to ask for advice, but his door is locked and he won't answer. Will the ship be overrun with Rotten Pirates or will they find a way to repel them?

The books in the 'Pirates to the Rescue' series are designed to help children to recognise the virtues of generosity, honesty, politeness and kindness. Reading these books with children will help them to understand that their actions and behaviour have a real effect on people around them. The books will help young readers to recognise what is right and wrong and what to do when faced with difficult choices.

Notes for parents, guardians and teachers are included at the end of the story to help give starting points for discussion and follow-up activities to help encourage positive behaviour.