What the Bible Means to Me

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 20 September 2011

From all backgrounds, nationalities and cultures people are remarkably different but also intriguingly the same. God's Word has something to say to all mankind and in this book 44 people summarise what the Bible means to them. The bus driver and the theologian; the missionary and the midwife; the army chaplain and the artist. We know how different they are but we also see their similarities ... their search for truth; their need for love; their quest for faith. Through the Word of God we can see how God loves us, faithfully and truly and how his Word is a Word for all times and ages. It's a Word for you. Contributors include J.I. Packer, Alec Motyer, Colin Buchanan, Douglas Kelly, Dale Ralph Davis, Fiona Castle, Helen Roseveare, Iain D. Campbell, Richard Bewes, Rico Tice and Harry Reader For a full list of contributors and their bio's please see the download below under associated media.

Christian Heroines

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 20 January 2014

These women made sacrifices for their faith. They endured pain and suffering in order to give glory to their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and they have given us a legacy. With these twenty–one heroines you can go through history and see how these women made a difference in their world and in church. From the slave girl Blandina through to the young mother Betty Stam, we discover the women from the early church to modern missionaries who face their struggles with the strength of God. Nothing could separate them, or us, from the love of God.

Christian Heroes

by Catherine MacKenzie

Published 7 May 2021

We all have heroes – people we admire, look up to, and want to be like. Here are twenty–one heroes who stood up for their faith. We remember them because they did great and brave things for their God. Learn about them, and find that you can be a Christian Hero too!