Simultanes Lernen

by Paul Harris

Published 9 March 2016
Paul Harris' erfolgreicher und bewahrter Ansatz des Simultanen Lernens wird in diesem Buch auf den Punkt gebracht. Gelangweilte, unmotivierte Schuler? Frustrierte Lehrer? Das muss nicht sein!

Anschaulich, kurzweilig und gespickt mit zahlreichen konkreten Praxis-Beispielen fuhrt der erfahrene Padagoge uns weg von dem Unterrichtsstil des reinen "Auf-Fehler-Reagierens" hin zu einer fur Schuler und Lehrer gleichermassen positiven, freudvollen und nachhaltigen Art des Lernens.

Fur effizientes, nachhaltiges und durchweg positives Lernen
Anwendbar auf jeden Instrumental- und Gesangsunterricht
Sofort umsetzbar ohne weitere Hilfsmittel
Auf der Grundlage aktueller padagogischer Einsichten

Paul Harris ist einer der fuhrenden Musikpadagogen in Grossbritannien. Er hat zahlreiche Bucher und praktische Ausgaben im Bereich des Instrumental- und Gesangsunterrichts veroeffentlicht und ist ein international gefragter Workshopleiter.

Improve your teaching!

by Paul Harris

Published 1 June 2006

Improve your teaching! is a must-have handbook for all instrumental and singing teachers. Packed full of comprehensive advice and practical strategies, it offers creative yet accessible solutions to the challenges faced in music education. It outlines Paul Harris's innovative strategy of Simultaneous Learning: a method that encourages the development of musical insight by making connections between all aspects of musicianship and discusses topics including lesson preparation, aural and memory work, effective practice, improvisation and composition, sight-reading and group teaching.

Cleverly fusing established teaching techniques with fresh and exciting ideas Improve your teaching! represents a modern and holistic approach to musical instruction.

The Practice Process

by Paul Harris

Published 23 January 2014

The Practice Process is an inspiring and empowering look at the crucial topic of practice. Paul Harris explores the key role the teacher plays in developing a psychological and holistic approach for pupils. Packed with clear advice, innovative ideas and principles such as the Integration-Representation-Connection cycle and the Simultaneous Practice Map, this book is firmly rooted in Paul Harris's highly successful Simultaneous Learning approach.

Simultaneous Learning

by Paul Harris

Published 26 September 2014

Paul Harris's highly successful Simultaneous Learning approach is an entirely positive and imaginative way to teach, which embraces the understanding that all the elements of music are connected.

In this definitive book Harris outlines the complete philosophy of his ground-breaking approach. He examines topics such as language and body language, the first lesson on a new piece, introducing notation and making the transition to Simultaneous Learning.

Teaching beginners is a huge responsibility and a challenge, but also reaps enormous rewards. Today there are a host of colourful tutors to choose from, but none tells us how to teach beginners. It can be a hit and miss affair!

Energising and inspirational, Improve your teaching! Teaching Beginners is a must-have resource for all instrumental and singing teachers. Written by the UK's leading music educationalist Paul Harris, it is packed full of comprehensive advice and practical strategies, it offers creative yet accessible solutions to the challenges faced in music education. Written in an approachable style and distilled from years of personal experience and research Paul Harris looks at the issues concerning the teaching of beginners, outlining a series of principals, advice and strategies, discussing: How to approach the first lesson, Practice ideas for beginners, Introducing the tutor book and notation, Taking stock and moving forward, Inheriting pupils, Improvisation and Composition for beginners.

A companion to the best-selling Improve your teaching!, this book is guaranteed to challenge, affirm and energise your teaching!

The Virtuoso Teacher

by Paul Harris

Published 8 March 2012

By considering The Virtuoso Teacher and how a teacher might attain virtuoso status, renowned educator and writer Paul Harris delves into the core issues of being a teacher and the teaching process. A fascinating look at topics such as:

• self-awareness and the importance of emotional intelligence
• getting the best out of pupils
• dealing with challenging pupils
• asking the right questions
• creating a master-plan
• taking the stress out of learning
• teaching for the right reasons.

This seminal book is an inspirational read for all music teachers, encouraging everyone to consider themselves in a new and uplifted light, and transform their teaching.

Group Music Teaching in Practice is an invaluable resource for all music leaders and teachers - both peripatetic and classroom - involved in delivering Wider Opportunities and group teaching programmes. Written by experienced educationalists Paul Harris and Leonora Davies and based on thorough research, it is packed full of practical strategies and advice to enable class teachers, instrumental teachers and music services to deliver an holistic primary music curriculum at Key Stage 2.
Topics covered include: Setting up a whole-class programme; Key personnel roles; Involving parents, families and carers; Key instrument concepts; Differentiation; Evaluating pupils' work; Creating and refining your own lesson plans; Beyond first access and Transition.

Also included:

Lesson plan exemplars for wind/brass, strings/recorders/guitars, percussion and voicesEnhanced CD comprising backing tracks and pdfs of lesson plans for easy printing/projections

Unconditional Teaching

by Paul Harris

Published 16 September 2021

Paul Harris’s ground-breaking and inspirational new approach encourages teachers to explore and transform how they teach. Paul identifies and reimagines the barriers or ‘conditions’ that can stand in the way of effective teaching, to allow for the most immersive and positive learning experience. Written in Paul’s accessible and engaging style, ideas are tackled from both a practical and psychological perspective, rooted in Paul’s renowned Simultaneous Learning methodology. For teachers of all disciplines and learners of all ages, this seminal book will begin your journey towards an unbounded, unconditional way of teaching.

Unconditional Teaching is in my view one of those potentially transformative “best books about teaching”, and I would encourage every instrumental teacher to make a priority of reading it. A miniature masterpiece, a profoundly rewarding read: I quite simply cannot recommend Unconditional Teaching highly enough!

Andrew Eales, review, January 2022

Whether you’re a new teacher, or an experienced one, this book is a must-read. Prepare to be both challenged and inspired; everything you take from it will enrich and enhance your teaching. This is the book I wish I’d read before I taught my very first lesson, but it’s of no less value now.

David Barton,, April 2022