Pepsi & Shirley...body popping...Karate Kid...Top Gun...Nik Kershaw...Transformers...Paul Abdul...Mr T...Kajagoogoo...The A-Team...Care Bears...Donkey Kong...Fraggle Rock...Knightrider...C60 cassettes...pixie boots...Bros...Hulk Hogan...Ms Pac Man...the Smurfs...Bruno Brookes...Flashdance...Stock, Aitken & Waterman...Do you remember these - and are not afraid to admit it? If so, shake off your Reebok Hi-Tops, put on your Relax T-shirt, loosen your stone-washed jeans, and see if you really are a true child of the 80s!

You were never, ever convinced that the Milky Bar Kid was strong and tough. Your parents threatened to throw you out if you ever became a hippy. Do you remember when England won the World Cup, screaming yourself hoarse for the Fab Four and watching from behind the sofa as the daleks invaded Earth for the first time? If so, then kick off your go-go boots, switch on the lava lamp and do your best Mick Jagger pout as you prepare to find out if you are a true child of the 60s.

Do you remember riding a Chopper to school, buying your dad Old Spice

for Christmas and getting brain-freeze from your first Slush Puppie? If so,

then hang up your disco ball, dig out the old Atari 2600 and tuck into a

Curly Wurly as you prepare to find out if you are a true child of the 70s.