Donna Reed

by Brenda Scott-Royce

Published 26 November 1990

Lauren Bacall

by Brenda Scott-Royce

Published 21 July 1992

Lauren Bacall's life has been widely covered by the media ever since her screen debut in To Have and Have Not with Humphrey Bogart in 1944. This volume is a comprehensive critical guide to all aspects of Miss Bacall's career in film, radio, television and stage. Her personal life, no less extraordinary with marriages to Bogart and Jason Robards, is documented in a biographical essay. This volume provides cast and production credits, plot synopsis, review excerpts of all film, radio and stage appearances, with a detailed, annotated bibliography for additional research.

Lauren Bacall is a living screen legend. She has excelled in all aspects of show business from movies to her first love, the Broadway stage. Her romance with Bogie thrilled the nation. Dubbed The Look by the press, her every move was well-recorded in the papers and fan magazines. Though she was more famous as Mrs. Bogart, she continued to act in films. After Bogart's death in 1957, Bacall put their two children and her work above all else. Standing on her own merits, rather than as half of a famous team, she achieved critical acclaim on Broadway in Applause and Woman of the Year.

Rock Hudson

by Brenda Scott-Royce

Published 28 February 1995

Rock Hudson rose to stardom as the virile hero of adventure films, and he then gained a flurry of female fans by starring in melodramas, like Magnificent Obsession. He earned an Oscar nomination for his role in Giant, starred in successful romantic comedies, and had a productive television and stage career. This book provides full information about his many performances and charts his life and career up to his death from AIDS.

Rock Hudson was a movie giant, one of the biggest stars Hollywood ever produced. He gained early fame as the romantic hero of adventure films and melodramas such as Magnificent Obsession (1954). He then tackled serious drama in Giant (1956), for which he earned an Academy Award nomination. With the success of Pillow Talk (1959), he entered a new genre for which he would become best known—the sex comedy. He also had a successful stage and television career.

This book charts Rock Hudson's rise as a celebrity until his death from AIDS. A biography opens the volume, followed by chapters which chronicle his work in film, television, radio, and the stage. Each chapter contains descriptions of Hudson's individual performances, with entries providing cast and credit information, plot summaries, excerpts from reviews, and critical commentary. The volume also includes a listing of Hudson's awards and an annotated bibliography of additional sources of information.