TN 5/92

This document provides design guidance information on the efficiency of different methods of reducing stratification, considering different building heights, constructions and destratification systems. It also provides data on the likely percentage energy savings from the different systems given the initial stratification. The work comprises computer simulations using computational fluid...Read more

TN 3/93

TN 5/83

This title describes a study carried out on 14 boiler installations under site conditions by monitoring flue gas oxygen content and temperature together with ambient air temperature to enable the combustion loss to be calculated. By undertaking the tests on boilers in both clean and dirty conditions, and recording...Read more

TN 1/92

In recent years, cooling systems with low-temperature air have gained in popularity within the building services profession, both in Europe and North America. The original motivation for such systems was reducing the space requirements and energy costs. In these systems, air can be delivered to spaces at temperatures between...Read more

TN 6/86

This title describes an investigation of the role of inspection in maintenance of building services. The work was done by interviewing two maintenance contractors, five building operators and and a specialist inspection organisation, together with a postal survey of 50 maintenance contractors. It describes inspection as "the process of...Read more

v. 8/98

It has been demonstrated in a number of case study buildings that it is possible to maintain a comfortable environment when refurbishing without resorting to full mechanical ventilation or cooling. This note presents guidance for refurbishing air-conditioned buildings to utilize natural ventilation. It is particularly appropriate where conventional naturally...Read more

v. 17/98

TN 1/85

v. 18/98

v. 16/98

v. 19/98

TN 7/2001

Written for those installing rainwater and greywater systems or monitoring them, this report forms one of the published outputs of "Buildings That Save Water", a major research work undertaken by CIRIA and BSRIA between February 1998 and June 2000. During the research detailed monitoring took place at seven demonstration...Read more

TN 2/96

There is currently an upsurge of interest in the application of uoyancy-driven displacecment ventilation systems and chilled-ceiling devices in the office environment within the UK's heating, ventilation and air-conditioning industry. As part of a series of research projects in the field of displacement ventilation, the BSRIA has undertaken a...Read more