"From the thousand-year-old statues celebrating fertility to the odalisques of the modern painters, erotic art has always held a prominent place in society, whatever their morals or cultural references.This work has assembled one thousand images of erotic artworks, from all times and all continents, to illustrate how the representation of these pleasures of the flesh testifies to the evolution of different civilisations and their histories. While eroticism and sexuality are at the forefront of today's advertising and media, this book offers an exceptional view into the archives of erotic imagery and emphasises the artistic value of these magnificently sinful illustrations"--

" From its prehistoric origins to the conceptual modernity of the 20th century, sculpture has literally and figuratively moulded the art world. Offering an integral vision of the evolution of forms across civilisations and epochs, 30 Centuries of Sculpture presents the masterpieces of sculpture that, with their intriguing silhouettes, have shaped the current notion of beauty. Sculptures can reflect an era, an artist, or his public; this gallery in high relief presents, with its numerous references, detailed commentaries on works, and biographies of artists, an open door to history and art, and an ideal guide for both students and neophytes"--