After their amazing win at the National Championships, Fergus and the rest of the Hercules' Hopefuls are keen to get back to training as a team - it was brilliant to lift the trophy alongside the Wallace's Winners, but now that Calamity Coogan and Minnie McLeod are back on form, the two teams want to go back to competing against each other rather than together. But - to everyone's disgust - the Board are adamant: the team that won the Nationals is the only one that can compete in the upcoming Internationals. So in order to qualify, the two teams must work together as a squad.

Wesley is furious and Fergus is disgusted, so Grandpa and Choppy come up with a plan: a training weekend in the Highlands to help them bond.

But as soon as the two teams arrive at the boarding lodge the squabbles break out again. Daisy and Minnie will have to share a dorm with Belinda Bruce, and Choppy is outraged not to have his own private quarters. Then Wesley challenges Fergus to a head-to-head cross-country race - first one back to the camp wins. The weather is closing in, and the route is hilly and challenging. When Wesley and the others don't get back to the boarding house, and a storm starts to rage outside, Fergus knows their only hope is to get insider information from someone he knows will have the answers: Dad. So he's got to get up to speed and back to Nevermore before Wesley and his team come to harm in the hills...

Flying Fergus 7: The Wreck-It Race

by Chris Hoy

Published 16 November 2017

A new coach is needed - but what can a wheelchair basketball champion teach Fergus and friends about cycling?

Fergus is sure their new coach is going to be his ultimate hero, cycle champ 'Spokes' Sullivan, so when Grandpa introduces Charlotte Campbell, the children are all less than impressed. Charlie is the successful captain of the Paralympic wheelchair basketball team and has some interesting training methods. She gets the team doing yoga and wheelbarrow races, and enters them in the Wreck-It Run, a charity race where everyone creates their own adapted bikes from parts and must compete in pairs. Fergus is sure Charlie is off her rocker - how will this help them get faster for the International time trials?