How can we evaluate the claims of Jesus? Was He just a deluded prophet of the first century? A historical character out of step with his times? Or was He really who He claimed to be--the son of God? What were His claims? What response do His claims demand? This studyguide is for anyone who has questions about Jesus Christ?

To be rich in friends is true wealth! These studies focus on the treasure of good relationships. Here you will find vivid profiles of friends in the Bible like Jonathan and David, Ruth and Naomi, Barnabas, Abraham, and Jesus-the preeminent Friend and Brother.

1 & 2 Peter, Jude

by Dee Brestin

Published 7 March 2000
Called for a Purpose

The letters of Peter and Jude challenge you to recognize your identity as a chosen friend of God--and therefore, to live a holy life. Originally addressed to persecuted believers of the first century, these words encourage you to face trials with a living hope, certain of Christ's return, and warn you of the danger of false teaching and spiritual lethargy--advice as timely today as it was for the early Christians. If you are serious about understanding God's purpose for you, you've come to the right place.

This study guide links the truths of the proverbs and the parables and applies them to comtemporary living. It offers penetrating questions, a flexible format for groups and helpful leader's notes.

1, 2, 3 John

by Dee Brestin

Published 1 January 2010

1, 2, 3 John

by Dee Brestin

Published 7 March 2000
Walk in the Light

Centuries ago, the apostle John wrote to new believers to instruct them in how to live godly lives. Today, John's words still hold truth and power as we struggle and triumph in our desire to "walk in the light" with God and others. 1,2,3 John: How Should a Christian Live? invites us to grow in maturity as God's children while we learn more about what it means to live a radically transformed life.