Babe Ruth

by Richard Rambeck

Published 1 September 1993
A biography of the baseball player who became famous as a home run hitter for the New York Yankees.

Anfernee (Penny) Hardaway

by Richard Rambeck

Published 1 September 1996
Surveys the basketball career of the young point guard for the Orlando Magic, Penny Hardaway.

Steve Young

by Richard Rambeck

Published 1 September 1996

Jennifer Capriatti

by James R Rothaus

Published 1 September 1991
A biography of the exciting tennis player who, in 1990, became the youngest player ever to reach the final in a women's tennis tournament.

Magic Johnson

by James R Rothaus

Published 1 September 1991
Describes the life and career of the basketball player who earned his nickname "Magic" in high school because of how well he handled the ball.

Oksana Baiul

by Richard Rambeck

Published 1 September 1995
A biography of young skater who won a gold medal at the 1994 Winter Olympics.

Pete Sampras

by Richard Rambeck

Published 1 September 1996
Follows the career of the professional tennis player who had won three Wimbledon championships by the age of twenty-four.