Book 0.5

Winter Wren

by Miranda Honfleur

Published 16 September 2019

A captured lord. A dying knight. And a heroine who refuses to abandon either.

Seventeen-year-old mage apprentice Rielle aims to prove she's ready for a promotion. Ambitious, she accompanies her master on a mission to save a lord from a town under mercenary control. But mercenaries aren't the only newcomers to town, and her decisions won't just test her readiness for a promotion, but what she believes in as a human being.

Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Mercedes Lackey, Winter Wren is a fantasy adventure novelette, a prequel to the romantic epic fantasy series Blade and Rose.

Book 1

Blade & Rose

by Miranda Honfleur

Published 8 October 2017

She trusted him once.
He betrayed her twice.
A third time could bring an entire kingdom to its knees...

Stuck in a betrothal to a cruel werewolf fiancé, Rielle works for the Divinity of Magic, the one thing keeping her from his claws. And the head of the Divinity knows it, giving her every mission no one else wants and few can handle. When an enemy of the Divinity invades their walls, someone needs to frogmarch him home, with no detours. No mage would ever want to handle a magic-nullifying knight... So, of course Rielle is assigned to do it.

The way to their destination is rife with danger--a civil war is brewing, and tangled somewhere in it is Rielle's best friend, Olivia. When whispers reveal mercenaries have killed the king, taken the capital, and that no one is coming to help, Rielle can't leave Olivia in peril. But as infamous mages and deadly assassins hunt her holy knight charge, she can't leave him unprotected either--especially as she finds herself falling for his strength, his passion, and his uncompromising goodness...

Her past returns to haunt them, her werewolf fiancé stalks their steps, and an ancient evil is gathering, yet the restraints forbidding their love strain and snap one by one. Can they overcome the war in their way, or will trusting a two-faced ally tear them apart, and leave Olivia and an entire besieged kingdom to fray at the ends...?

Readers who loved A Court of Thorns and Roses and Kushiel's Dart will cheer on this heroine who never gives up, in the first book of a heart-wrenching romantic epic fantasy series.

Welcome to a medieval world sensual and dark, full of magic and greed, love and blades, where factions vie for influence and there are no easy choices...

Book 2

By Dark Deeds

by Miranda Honfleur

Published 2 November 2017

Her hands shackled. An assassin hunting the man she loves. Will she save him in time?

Elementalist Rielle needs to get to the man she loves before the assassin pursuing him finds her mark. There's only one problem: she's chained aboard a slave ship bound for a foreign land.

And her new life is harsh, with her movements watched, food scarce, and safety even scarcer. Immortals ravage Emaurria, and a distant relation sparks the fires of rebellion against the new king while shrewd royals angle for an advantageous marriage. Powerful foreign nobles whisper promises in Rielle's ear--and lies with fatal consequences--but with more than her life at stake, whom can she trust? And while Jon faces personal demons, wars, widespread hunger, unrest, and politics, the assassin lurks in his periphery, a knife in the dark.

With her death looming at every turn and an unforgiving barren desert between her and Jon, can Rielle save him before it's too late, or will the brutal sands claim her life... and everything she loves?

Fans of Sarah J. Maas and Anne Bishop will love this romantic epic fantasy series.

Pick up By Dark Deeds and dive into a medieval world sensual and dark, full of magic and greed, love and blades, where factions vie for influence and there are no easy choices....

(Note: This is an adult fantasy novel, and as such, there are adult situations depicted, including adult language, violence, romance, depression, alcohol and/or drug use, etc. This is the second book in a projected six-book series, so although this book's story is complete, it is not a standalone novel.)

Book 3

Court of Shadows

by Miranda Honfleur

Published 31 January 2018

Answers to who killed her family. A trial to death. Is the truth worth the risk?

Master Mage Rielle is counting the months to her wedding when an unexpected invitation arrives from Magehold--to compete for magister. The magister's mantle has been her dream for over a decade, but rumors accuse Magehold of shadowy deeds, among them killing families to collect promising young novices.

Piracy has been rampant along the Emaurrian coast, and Jon has his hands full with Immortals attacking, his forces spread too thin to handle it all. When Magehold announces the winner of the Magister Trials will be granted one boon, Rielle is determined to ask for an end to the piracy that threatens so many others and harmed her own family... and to investigate whether Magehold was responsible. But when she arrives, she learns that the trials have only one rule: survive.

Magehold could easily stamp out the piracy claiming countless lives, and if she wins the trials, Rielle could see it done. But with the other mages competing to kill, strangers hunting her in the shadows, and mysterious factions working behind the scenes, trying to win the test could mean the end of her life. Will the trials give her the answers she seeks and the aid Emaurria sorely needs, or will they be her end?

Fans of Sarah J. Maas and Jacqueline Carey will love this romantic epic fantasy series.

Buy Court of Shadows and dive into a medieval world sensual and dark, full of magic and greed, love and blades, where factions vie for influence and there are no easy choices...

(Note: This is an adult fantasy novel, and as such, there are adult situations depicted, including adult language, violence, romance, depression, alcohol and/or drug use, etc. This is the third book in a projected six-book series, so although this book's story is complete, it is not a standalone novel.)

Book 4

Queen of the Shining Sea

by Miranda Honfleur

Published 31 August 2018

Enemy mages and ships. An all-powerful organization gone rogue. One woman refuses to stand aside.

After the Divinity reveals its dark intentions, Rielle and her friends patrol the Shining Sea, doing all they can to stem the tide of gold flowing into Magehold and the dangerous goods flowing out. Facing Immortals and pirates at every turn, they wage battle after battle against clandestine Divinity ships in an effort to weaken its ability to grasp for power.

Meanwhile, Veris draws near and the Dragon King hunts Jon, whose life hangs in the balance as Olivia and Samara seek answers to heal his heart. As the werewolf presence in Emaurria escalates, Brennan is forced to confront both sides of his werewolf-noble identity and choose whether to reject it or embrace it. In a harsh and deadly wilderness, Leigh and Ambriel search for clues about the Sundering ritual, hoping to seal away the violent Immortals and save the land for good.

But the Divinity does not accept defeat - and when the Grand Divinus strikes back, it is not at Rielle but at Emaurria. Will she give up her war against the Divinity, or will Emaurria fall?

Read Queen of the Shining Sea and dive into a medieval world sensual and dark, full of magic and greed, love and blades, where factions vie for influence and there are no easy choices...

Book 5

The Dragon King

by Miranda Honfleur

Published 30 June 2021

Darkness stirs in the heart of Courdeval. And in the heart of its very king. But she’ll fight until her last breath to save them both.

After Jon’s near brush with death, Rielle couldn’t be happier when he awakens. As he resumes his duties and his normal life, however, it becomes clear he is changed—perhaps forever. There is a power in him, and a darkness, that threatens to consume him… for all time.

With the Order of Terra and the Tower of Magic now serving the Crown, Emaurria is stronger than ever, but the threats it now faces might lead to the kingdom’s undoing. Locked in open war against the Divinity of Magic, Emaurria is in grave danger and, worse, divided at its core. The Houses see opportunity in a withdrawn king, and Rielle, Brennan, and Olivia fight to keep stability as they try to reach Jon, while Leigh finds himself damned and looks for the strength to save himself before he can save the world from the Rift.

As the Houses and the war poke a sleeping dragon, they invite flames that could char Emaurria to mere glowing embers. Can Rielle and her friends reach Jon before it’s too late, or will he be lost to the darkness, and Emaurria to the flames of dragon fire?

If you like the fantasy romance of A Court of Thorns and Roses, the dark intrigue of Kushiel's Dart, and a heroine who never gives up, you'll love this romantic epic fantasy series.

Dive into a medieval world sensual and dark, full of magic and greed, love and blades, where factions vie for influence and there are no easy choices...

(Note: This is an adult fantasy novel, and as such, there are adult situations depicted, including adult language, violence, romance, alcohol and/or drug use, etc. This is the fifth book in a projected six-book series, so although this book's story is complete, it is not a standalone novel.)