After such a destructive and costly war, few would have anticipated the important, positive global changes that came after World War II. However, this title takes a tour of all the ingenious innovations that came in the wake of that war. A brief recap of the conflict provides context before the text explores the advances made in weaponry, medicine, and international cooperation. Attention is given to many of the challenging debates that arose postwar, including conflict between newly independent nations and the rise of the Cold War, fueling critical thinking about the impact-positive and negative-of adversity. Detailed Table of Contents, Full-color photographs, For Further Information Section, Glossary, Index, Web Sites.

Look at the events that lead to the Wall Street Crash of October 1929 and the shockwaves that it sent around the world, leading to economic crisis and financial panic and plunging millions into unemployment, eviction from their homes and grinding poverty. Explore the legacy of the Great Depression internationally, both in terms of the bad things that came out of it, such as political ferment leading to the rise of fascism, and the good things, including the expansion of the welfare state and provision for those in need, technological innovation and the rise of the cinema industry.