Fraternity of the Stone

by David Morrell

Published 1 January 1985
"As cunningly woven as a spider's web."
Drew Maclane was a star agent--until the day the killing had to stop. He withdrew and for six years lived the life of a hermit in a monastery. But someone has tracked him down, leaving a trail of corpses. Someone who knows all about him, who knows how to draw him back into that electrifying world where no one is as he seems, and where life's most horrifying and harrowing game is played....

The Brotherhood of the Rose

by David Morrell

Published 1 December 1984
Chris and Saul were orphans -- raised in a Philadelphia school for boys, bonded by friendship and devoted to a mysterious man called Eliot. He visited them and brought them sweets. He treated them like sons. He trained them to be assassins. Now he is trying to have them killed.

Saul and his wife are in hiding in Israel having survived the Brotherhood of the Rose. Drew is exiled in Egypt to escape the Fraternity of the Stone. Forced to pursue old CIA contacts, their paths converge in the Vatican gardens. Together they must confront the League of Night and Fog. The author has written "The Brotherhood of the Stone" and "The Fraternity of the Stone" as well as seven other novels including "Blood Oath", "Testament", "First Blood", "Rambo: First Blood Part II" and "The Totem".