The Diamond of Drury Lane

by Julia Golding

Published 2 January 2006
Set in 1790's Covent Garden this book whisks you back to a bygone era. The narrator's colourful slang and confident I-will-tell-you-how-it-really-is, makes the story sparkle off the page. It is the tale of Cat Royal, an orphan who lives at the back of the real-life theatre in Drury Lane. It contains a wonderful colourful cast of characters - awkward actors, on stage, and off, barrow boys in the grimy marketplace, street gangs fighting for territory...and it's packed with local colour and authentic detail. And of course there is the diamond mystery. What more could you want?

Cat Among the Pigeons

by Julia Golding

Published 7 August 2006
As gripping as "The Diamond of Drury Lane", this stunning second volume from Julia Golding sees Cat storm a gentleman's club, jump aboard a slave ship and enter the heart of the shadiest part of London - blindfolded! As the book opens, we discover that Pedro's slave master has come over from the West Indies to track the boy down and drag him back into slavery. Cat obviously decides she is not going to let that happen, but hereby makes herself another enemy. Soon, she finds she has the police on her tail...Cat is driven to flee the theatre and ends up going into hiding, passing herself off as a boy at Westminister school. Then Billy Shepherd turns up...Once again, Julia will have you captivated from page one.