Dr St Amand offers a protocol to help reverse the autoimmune disorder, fibromyalgia, in children. The program for adults - an alternative treatment using guaifenesin, a common ingredient in cough medicine - has been adapted for the treatment of children. This inexpensive medication, available over the counter as well as in prescription strengths, has successfully eliminated symptoms in 90 per cent of Dr St Amand's patients. In this book parents can discover: why paediatric fibromyalgia is often not diagnosed; how to help children cope with symptoms before guaifenesin takes full effect; the link between paediatric fibromyalgia and hypoglycaemia; and guidelines to determine the proper dose of guaifenesin for your child. Inspired by his own fibromyalgia to find a treatment, Dr St Amand spent 40 years researching his program, which treats the causes of the condition and not just the symptoms.