Designed for a calculus-based introductory course for engineers and scientists, this second edition retains its student oriented, specific-to-general approach which provides clear, easily understood presentations of difficult and complex materials, and uses models frequently to help explain difficult concepts. It retains its early treatment of Newton's law of gravitation and continues to feature problems where numerical methods may be used. An emphasis on problem solving and developing problem-solving strategies is supported by an abundance of solved examples, numerous end-of-chapter questions, and a 20% increase in exercises and problems. New Self-Tests with answers follow every example providing instant reinforcement for the student working through the examples. Ten modern physics highlight boxes introduce students early in the course to the excitement of modern physics supplementing the end-of-chapter commentaries retained from the first edition, and a new chapter on astrophysics augments the modern physics section. A new four colour design, over 200 additional photographs, and redesigned line art enhance student learning and complement this clearly and precisely written text.
Also available are a study guide, instructor's manual/test bank (0-07-033717-9), instructor's solutions manual and OHT's (0-07-074511-0).