Henry and Beezus

by Beverly Cleary

Published 18 October 1923
Henry Huggins thinks that girls are a nuisance. He doesn't mind Beezus Quimby, though--at least Beezus (short for Beatrice) is a sensible girl. She's O.K., even if her pesky little sister, Ramona, always tags at her heels. Ramona is four, likes to play silly games, and is quite a...Read more

Henry and Ribsy

by Beverly Cleary

Published 18 October 1923
Henry Huggins really wants his father to take him fishing -- especially since that obnoxious Scooter McCarthy keeps bragging about his big fishing trip. But Henry's dog Ribsy has been misbehaving lately -- everything from running off with the neighbor's barbecue roast to stealing a policeman's lunch. Mr. Huggins...Read more