Book 1


by Angelina J. Steffort

Published 16 October 2018

When head-driven Med student Adam has an emotional vision of Claire, he doesn’t yet understand the dimensions by which his life is about to change.

His new ability to sense people’s feelings is only the beginning of the roller coaster of supernatural he is thrown onto as he sets out to find Claire. There is an unknown heritage slumbering within him, waiting to be unleashed.

And his love for her puts them both in danger.
If only he had the strength to let her go...

After the success of The Wings Trilogy, Spark is the first part of the bestselling young adult paranormal romance series, written from Adam’s perspective.

Book 2


by Angelina J. Steffort

Published 22 January 2019

After being killed by demons, former angel Adam wakes up without a memory. When he is taken in by his enemies, they do everything they can to make him one of their own. But there is one thing they keep forgetting:

Part of Adam’s soul lives on in Claire. And it is calling for him…

Join Adam’s journey through the darkness.

Fire is the second book in the bestselling Wings Trilogy retold from Adam's point of view.

Book 3


by Angelina J. Steffort

Published 5 June 2019

With his memories back, but his demonic urges still craving Claire’s soul, Adam is fighting day to day through temptation. For his love for Claire will not fade, no matter how much he wishes to set her free in order to save her.

After the success of The Wings Trilogy, after Spark and Fire, Ashes is the third and final part of the bestselling young adult paranormal romance series, written from Adam’s perspective.