Book 2

Gray Ghost

by William G. Tapply

Published 6 March 2007
Seven years ago, Stoney Calhoun woke up in a VA hospital with no memories. He still remembers nothing from before then, except that he has a few unexplained skills - a gift for angling, an ability to read French - and recently it's been made clear to him that it would be best if he never does. Working as a guide on Casco Bay, Stoney is out with a client on an early morning fly fishing expedition when they find the charred remains of a recent corpse on a small, uninhabited island. A couple of days later, Calhoun's client turns up in the front seat of his SUV. In the midst of a couple of inexplicable murders, both of which clearly have something to do with Stoney, past or present, it's up to him find out the truth...or risk becoming the next victim.

Book 3

Dark Tiger

by William G. Tapply

Published 29 September 2009
An unnamed man who has periodically appeared to check on Stoney after being struck by lightning, this time shows up looking for help. Stoney must go to the far corner of Maine, sign on as a guide at a high-end fishing lodge, and look into a couple of suspicious deaths. A government "operative" was found shot dead in a staged murder/suicide pact involving a local sixteen-year-old girl. Now Stoney has to uncover what the dead agent was investigating and got him killed, without tipping his hand or getting killed himself.