Echoes Of Lies

by Jo Bannister

Published 8 July 2001
When researcher Brodie Farrell is asked to locate the whereabouts of a young man, Daniel Hood, she sees nothing suspicious in the request. Duly finds him, passes his details on to her client, and commends herself on a job well done. But a few days later Brodie is overcome by guilt, Daniel is in a life-threatening coma - if it wasn't for her efforts, none of this would have happened. So she resolves to do everything she can to bring Daniel's attackers to justice. But, when Daniel does eventually regain consciousness, he isn't much help to Brodie. Until he was snatched from his ordinary life, he hadn't known he had an enemy in the world. All he knows is that the men who hurt him were looking for someone called Sophie - and he doesn't know anyone of that name. Daniel needs to understand what has happened to him and why he has been left scarred for life. The journey of discovery that he and Brodic embark upon leads them into a deeper and more complex tragedy than either first imagined...

True Witness

by Jo Bannister

Published 7 January 2002
A teenage boy is beaten to death with a wheel brace on an abandoned pier. There is one eye-witness to the crime. The police are convinced they have the murderer, they just need a positive identification to lock him up for good. Neil Cochrane was the prime suspect in a serial killer investigation ten years ago and only a travesty of justice allowed him to walk free. The new murder fits the profile exactly and this time he won't escape. That's what Detective Inspector Jack Deacon believes and he is a determined man. But Daniel Hood is the eye-witness and he is not prepared to bow to pressure and identify Cochrane when he is not convinced that this is the man he saw. A taut, compelling exploration of love and honour, True Witness is the second book in the series featuring Brodie Farrell and Daniel Hood.


by Jo Bannister

Published 5 January 2003
In her work as a researcher, Brodie Farrell has only one rule - no missing people. But when the request to find someone comes from Superindentent Jack Deacon, Brodie finds it difficult to say no. Two young girls have been abandoned after their mother was brutally stabbed to death. Their father has vanished, presumably a sign of his guilt, so Deacon wants Brodie to find the girls' aunt while he tracks the missing father. Meanwhile, Brodie's friend Daniel Hood agrees to act as tutor for the girls. Daniel uses his skills not just as a schoolteacher but as the survivor of an equally horrific situation to befriend the two sisters and help them deal with their grief. But when the autopsy report throws up some unexpected results and an intruder breaks into the family home in the dead of night, Brodie realises that tracking a missing aunt is the least of her worries. Concerned for Daniel and the girls, she begins to uncover some disturbing mysteries that set her on a very dangerous path indeed...

Sins of the Heart

by Jo Bannister

Published 25 March 1994

When the body of teenage prostitute Charisma is discovered in the murky waters of Castle Canal, her throat cut back to the spine, Detective Chief Inspector Frank Shapiro and Detective Inspector Liz Graham head Castlemere CID’s investigation.

Close to where the body was found, a travelling gospel crusade is setting up its tent. The Reverend Michael Davey’s road-crew have no information to offer on the killing, but Detective Sergeant Cal Donovan is stunned to see among them a face from his childhood. Because Liam Brady is officially dead . . .

Then another girl is murdered while exercising her pony in a public park. The killings have two things in common: the youth of the victims, and the profoundly vicious knife wounds.

It looks as though a serial killer is on the loose and as hysteria sweeps Castlemere, Liz Graham begins to think the unthinkable . . . Could powerful, charismatic Michael Davey have brought more to the town than the promise of eternal salvation?