Book 3

Book 4

De la Terre à la Lune

by Jules Verne

Published 1 December 1977

Book 5

Michel Strogoff

by Jules Verne

Published 1 February 1995

This is the first critical edition of a Verne play; the book also contains many of his unpublished letters. His theatrical work (40 plays and synopses) was, until now, almost unknown, even though Michel Strogoff was among the greatest successes of the late-19th century theatre.

The introduction begins with a portrait of Jules Verne the playwright and a description of the relationship between France and Russia in the 19th century. A study of Michel Strogoff follows with a discussion of the genesis and creation of the play, major differences between the novel and the play, and Michel Strogoff as melodrama. Finally the reviews are summarised, incidental music discussed, as well as the success of the play at the time.

Book 6

Autour de la Lune

by Jules Verne

Published December 1960

Book 7

Cinq semaines en ballon

by Jules Verne

Published 1 December 1976
Un savant, Samuel Fergusson, accompagne de son domestique Joe et de son ami Dick Kennedy entreprend de traverser le continent africain - alors incompletement explore - a l'aide d'un ballon gonfle a l'hydrogene. Il a en effet invente un dispositif qui, en lui evitant de perdre du gaz ou de devoir jeter du lest pour regler son altitude, autorise les plus longs voyages. Ce voyage est suppose relier les explorations faites par Burton et Speke en Afrique orientale a celles de Heinrich Barth dans les regions du Sahara et du Tchad. Partis de Zanzibar, les trois aeronautes realisent effectivement la traversee, au prix de mille aventures au terme desquelles ils parviennent au Senegal avant de retourner en Angleterre oA' ils recoivent un accueil enthousiaste.

Book 11

Les Naufrag

by Jules Verne

Published 4 June 2018

Book 12

Mathias Sandorf

by Jules Verne

Published 14 March 2007