Into Space

by Kipchak Johnson

Published 5 November 1992
Part of a series introducing children to science and geography. In this book, Professor Verne and his crew travel out of the earth's orbit to explore the wonders of outer space, first to the moon, then to the planets that make up our solar system. The answers to plenty of questions can be found, such as how long a light year is, what an asteroid is and why Mars is red. There is also a quiz at the end of the book.

The Centre of the Earth

by Kipchak Johnson

Published 5 November 1992
This introduction to geography follows Professor Verne and his companions - Hetty, Brigit, Toussant, Leon and Newton the dog - as they explore the wonders of the universe in their travelling machine, to discover the real geographical facts about our Earth behind Jules Verne's science fiction stories. Is the Earth's core made of diamonds? Why are the continents of the world moving? What makes volcanoes erupt? How are coal and oil formed? Discover what goes on inside our planet as Professor Verne travels to "The Centre of the Earth".