This report details the plans for major U.S. Defense Department acquisition programs over the next 15 years and explores the complicating factors that may make the situation more problematic for policymakers. It analyzes a range of options to mitigate the bow wave, including increasing the budget, cutting additional force structure, and making trades among major acquisition programs. The report finds that while none of the choices available are easy, it provides an opportunity for the new administration taking office in 2017 to better align modernization plans with defense strategy.

The Obama administration's FY 2017 budget-the eighth and final budget submitted by the administration-requests a total of $678.3 billion in funding for national defense. This CSIS Defense Outlook report analyzes the FY 2017 defense budget request looking at trends in the budget, differences from previous requests, and key issues for policymakers as they consider the budget and begin looking to the next administration.

"Analysis of the FY 2019 Defense Budget" from the CSIS Defense Budget Analysis program provides an in-depth assessment of the Trump administration's request for national defense funding in FY 2019. In addition to analyzing the request for the upcoming fiscal year and the Department of Defense's projections for the future, the report assesses long-term trends in defense funding levels by spending title and Service as well as changes in the military's force structure over time.

Analysis of the FY 2021 Defense Budget from the CSIS Defense Budget Analysis program provides an in-depth assessment of the Trump administration's request for national defense funding in FY 2021. The analysis addresses overall trends in the defense budget, changes in the FY 2021 request, and issues for Congress and the next administration to consider. It also covers the budgets of the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Space Force.

Analysis of the FY 2022 Defense Budget from the CSIS Defense Budget Analysis program provides an in-depth assessment of the Biden administration's request for national defense funding in FY 2022. It outlines priorities for the ongoing and completed strategic reviews-including the National Defense Strategy, Nuclear Posture Review, Missile Defense Review, and Global Posture Review-and their potential budgetary effects. The report concludes by assessing current congressional action on defense appropriations for FY 2022 and identifying key issues for the FY 2023 budget request.