
Dreams of Warriors

by Susan Brocker

Published 10 August 2010
'It's only me -- Bella,' she said, as if the mad animal cared. 'I won't hurt you. Please, don't hurt me.' Featherston in the Second World War is a tough and bleak place for fourteen-year-old Bella. Her father is away fighting overseas, while his family fight to save their farm from ruin and keep his dreams alive. Bella, her mother, and older sister have to cope with a herd of dairy cows, an unscrupulous neighbour who covets the farm, and a crazy, bad-tempered racehorse called Gipsy. Bella is terrified of the horse and doesn't know where to turn. When help is offered from an unlikely source, will she have the courage to accept it or will Gipsy destroy her father's dreams?


Saving Sam

by Susan Brocker

Published 1 February 2010
A boy and a dog in danger - can they both be saved? Ben's mother is dead, his father in jail, and his older brother is heading off the rails at a million kilometres an hour. the social worker is fast running out of options, when the boys' aunt and uncle reluctantly agree to take them in. Just as well: they were the last on her list. Ben's uncle has bought a guard dog from a man at the pub, but she's useless - afraid of loud voices and frightened of her own shadow - and he's decided to have her put down. Ben and the unwanted dog recognize each other for what they are - damaged goods - and find some comfort and companionship together, which slowly grows into love and trust. that love will be needed when Ben's brother gets into seriously bad trouble, and Ben's trust in his dog is put to the ultimate test. For boys and girls alike, aged 12 - 14.


True story of the Kiwi war horses of the First World War. The jet-black mare galloped wildly across the scorching white sands, the guns and shells exploding around her with a deafening roar. Her master spurred her on, his legs tightly gripping her heaving sides. With foam-flecked lips and ears laid flat, she thundered on through the flying bullets and choking dust ...Brave Bess and the ANZAC Horses tells the tale of these valiant horses and the essential part they played in the war.