Egyptian Magic

by E. A. Wallis Budge

Published 1 April 1985
The Legend Of Ra... Magicalfigures... Magical Names And Ceremonies.
Antiquity Of Magical Practices In Egypt.
An Important Work By E.A.Wallis Budge

Hieroglyphic Texts And Translations Of Many Legends Including Creation, Destruction Of Mankind, Legend Of Horus Etc.
E.A. Wallis Budge: Former Keeper Of Egyptian And Assyrian Antiquities In The British Museum.
A Classic Compilation Of Ancient Egyptian Literature, Language And Culture.

In this volume, a noted Egyptologist offers a concise, scholarly exposition of Egyptian belief in Osiris, god of the resurrection; other ""gods"" of the Egyptians; the judgment of the dead and the resurrection; and immortality. Also, the meaning of the afterlife for ancient Egyptians and its ramifications for Egyptian...Read more