The Minestrone Mob

by Karen Wallace

Published 29 October 1999
Lettuce Leef and Nimble Charlie, the Crook Catchers to the Queen, investigate the disappearance of the queen's recipe for minestrone soup--as well as her clothing.

Stuff-it-in Specials

by Karen Wallace

Published 29 October 1999
Eat up one of Stanley Slob's stuff-it-in specials and you can't stop doing really silly things. It's up to the Crook Catchers to capture the sticky-fingered criminal before it's too late.

The Sandwich Scam

by Karen Wallace

Published 29 October 1999
A new craze is sweeping the kingdom and the Queen is not pleased; the countryside is being littered with piles of uneaten bread. Can the Crook Catchers come up with a plan to catch the culprit?

The Queen is being tricked by a cunning prankster, she's in danger of giving away all her jewels. Can the Crook Catchers get to the bottom of this hairaising scam before its too late.