DID YOU KNOW THAT...The Russians believe in the Leshi, a dangerous creature who tickles its victims to death, or that St George was actually a Roman solider? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ...Which mythical creature sneaks into Japanese bathrooms to lick them clean? AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS ...With stories of mischievous gods, unbelievable beasts and the gullible people who believed in them! This book is packed with the wildest, weirdest, funniest, filthiest, foulest, wisest, grossest, brainiest and best facts about myths and legends.

Do Dinosaurs Make Good Pets?

by Chris Mitchell

Published 3 September 2015
DID YOU KNOW THAT...The stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut, or that there used to be scorpions that grew to over two metres in length? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW...Which prehistoric animals dinosaurs used to be afraid of? AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS ...By telling them about feathered dinosaurs, giant millipedes and flying giraffes! This book is packed with the wildest, weirdest, funniest, filthiest, foulest, wisest, grossest, brainiest, oldest and best facts about the prehistoric world.

DID YOU KNOW THAT...Humans have sent jellyfish into space, or that there is a planet made of ice that's on fire? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ...Why space smells like raspberries? AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS ...With planets made from diamonds, stars that could destroy our solar system and how long humans could survive in space! This book is packed with the wildest, weirdest, funniest, filthiest, foulest, wisest, grossest, brainiest, biggest and best facts about space and the universe.