Flop Ear

by Guido Van Genechten

Published 14 October 1999
Rabbits come in all shapes and sizes. And they all have two long ears. Flop-Ear had two long ears, too, only his were different. This book traces Flop-Ear''s attempts to be just like everyone else, and his acceptance of the fact that he is different.'

Potty Time

by Guido Van Genechten

Published 27 April 2000

Flop-ear is Brave

by Guido Van Genechten

Published 28 February 2002
It's very hot. Far too hot to go to bed. So Flop-Ear builds a tent with help from his father. It's very exciting, so he goes to bed early with lots of carrots to nibble. At first, it's all a great adventure, but when his torch goes out, the night starts to look more menacing. Huge shadows loom on the walls of his tent. Are they monsters? No, it's only his parents. They join him in the tent and soothe away his fears.

My Daddy

by Guido Van Genechten

Published 14 October 1999
Jack thinks his Daddy is the best Daddy in the whole world. This text is an exploration of the very special relationship between a father and son.'

My Special Friend

by Guido Van Genechten

Published 31 May 2001
The little boy is lonely. He has no brothers or sisters, and his parents are often away. But he doesn't mind being on his own, because he's got his special friend: an enormous cuddly bear. Whatever happens, the bear is always there to quieten fears and play games. And, of course, no-one can see him except the boy. This touching story about a lonely little boy and his invisible Special Friend will find an echo in the heart of every child.

My Mummy

by Guido Van Genechten

Published 12 April 2001
John and his mother play hide and seek. John looks for his mummy everywhere, but he can't find her. This fold-out book allows the reader to lift the flaps and check with John the inside of the toy box, behind the door, under the wardrobe and all over the house. Mummy finally turns up, and promises that she will never leave John. A charming companion book to My Daddy, also by Guido van Genechten.