Jackson Pollock

by Leonie Bennett

Published 1 May 2004

Pablo Picasso

by Leonie Bennett

Published 1 September 2004

Contents include: Who was Pablo Picasso? Early years; The Blue period; The rose period; Primitive art; A new style of painting; Collage; Fatherhood and Fame; A new type of sculpture; War in Spain; The potter; An active old age; Pablo Dies; Timeline.

Provides a vivid picture of the lives and works of some of the world's greatest artists and their influence on world art. Includes examples of the artist's work at various stages of their career

Contents include: Who was Salvador Dali? Early years; Student days; In Paris; The film director; Making strange paintings; Doing the unexpected; Making strange objects; In America; Celebrity; A theatre-museum; Alone in a castle; Dali dies; Timeline.

Contents include: Who was Jackson Pollock? Early years; School and college; New York; A turning point; Selling his work; Painting a mural; Marriage; Action painting; Painting on the floor; Drip paintings; Fame; A sad end; Timeline.

Salvador Dali

by Leonie Bennett

Published 12 January 2005