Why Does My..?
2 total works
"Why Does My Dog Do That?" offers the answers to the questions most frequently asked in one handy, vet-approved package. Not only is your dog's behaviour placed in context, but so is yours. Human behaviour has as many species-driven idiosyncrasies as that of dogs, even if you never thought about it that way. Sometimes what your dog does is a direct result of how you behave, and any problems that have arisen have as much to do with what you do as what your dog does. Smooth out species clash, broaden your understanding, and learn to see things from your pet's point of view. You and your dog will be glad you did.
Why Does My Cat Do That?
by Sophie Collins, Janet Crosby, and Catherine Davidson
Published 12 November 2008
"Why Does My Cat Do That?" offers all the answers, helping you to understand why your cat does what she does, so that you'll find it easier to see things her way and to come up with imaginative solutions to problem behaviour when they arise. It also offers insight into how your cat sees you. How you behave has a strong effect on your cat behaves, and if you can understand her a little better without becoming too anthropomorphic (she's felix, you're hom. sap., and you need to remember that) you'll be able to avoid species clash as you go about your daily business together. Buy this book. Your cat will be glad you did.