This series is designed to support teachers in delivering fresh, lively and interactive mental maths starters in line with the renewed Framework. The series includes six 48-page books covering Years 1-6, each with an accompanying CD-ROM. The Framework now requires teachers to think about the purpose of each oral...Read more

This series is designed to support teachers in delivering fresh, lively and interactive mental maths starters in line with the renewed Framework. The series includes six 48-page books covering Years 1-6, each with an accompanying CD-ROM. The Framework now requires teachers to think about the purpose of each oral...Read more

Accessible maths tools to help you structure your interactive maths

Involve your children in teaching and learning with opportunities
for whole class, group, paired and individual work.

Whole class maths tools on CD-ROM, including an interactive number
square, counting bears and a number fan.

The...Read more

Accessible maths tools to help you structure your interactive maths

Involve your children in teaching and learning with opportunities
for whole class, group, paired and individual work.

Whole class maths tools on CD-ROM, including an interactive abacus,
dice and spinners and a measuring jug.

The...Read more

Year 2

by Julie Cogill and Anthony David

Published 4 May 2009
Accessible maths tools to help you structure your interactive maths

Involve your children in teaching and learning with opportunities
for whole class, group, paired and individual work.

Whole class maths tools on CD-ROM, including interactive number track,
sets of cuisenaire rods, weighing scales and a number...Read more

Accessible maths tools to help you structure your interactive maths

Involve your children in teaching and learning with opportunities
for whole class, group, paired and individual work.

Whole class maths tools on CD-ROM, including an interactive number
line, shape paper and a graphing and charting tool.
...Read more

Accessible maths tools to help you structure your interactive maths

Involve your children in teaching and learning with opportunities
for whole class, group, paired and individual work.

Whole class maths tools on CD-ROM, including an interactive multiplication
square, a graphing and charting tool and a fractions...Read more

Accessible maths tools to help you structure your interactive maths

Involve your children in teaching and learning with opportunities
for whole class, group, paired and individual work.

Whole class maths tools on CD-ROM, including a reflections and rotations
tool, dice and spinners and a magic calculator.
...Read more