The West Highland Railway, one of the great railway journeys of the world, gives access to walking through some of the most spectacular scenery in Scotland. This book provides guidance on over 40 walks, both linear routes between stations and circular walks returning to the same station, on the lines from Helensburgh to Crianlarich and on to Fort William and Oban. Almost every walk can be completed within a day's return train travel from Glasgow. They range from relatively gentle strolls to challenging ascents of Munro summits (over 3000ft high); the book also guides the intrepid walker over remote Rannoch Moor, along historic drove routes and military roads, through scenic glens and lonely passes, and explores attractive island and coastal paths. Each walk is graded from easy to serious mountain expedition and a review provides details of length, ascent, terrain covered, access and refreshments. Authors Chris and John Harvey know the area intimately and provide background information about the geology, history, industrial archaeology, natural history and folklore, producing a rich and informative guidebook to tempt you to explore this magnificent area.