Power Over Stress at Work

by Daniel L Araoz

Published 1 December 1998
Daniel Araoz recognizes that stress is partly caused by the many technological advances which have re-shaped our lives.The essential guide shows that danger zones can be spotted in advance and stress may never materialize. However, if it has already manifested itself then, far from being a debilitating illness, it can be a springboard for an energized workforce...power over stress!The HR manager can learn how to deal creatively with stress from the information in this Briefing and pass on their knowledge down the ranks. He or she will then halt the downward spiral of diffusing stress and produce a more positive knock-on effect--namely to increase the productivity of the entire workforce and reduce absenteeism resulting from this terrible illness.This Briefing is also a useful tool for any position at any level--stress doesn't discriminate. It includes: jargon-free scientific evidence; case studies; and practical tips.