Facing the Other

by Linda Bolton

Published 1 June 2004
Linda Bolton uses six extraordinarily resonant moments in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American history to highlight the ethical challenge that the treatment of Native and African persons presented to the new republic's ideal of freedom. Most daringly, she examines the efficacy of the Declaration of Independence as a revolutionary text and explores the provocative question "What happens when freedom eclipses justice, when freedom breeds injustice?" Guided by the intellectual influence of philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, Bolton asserts that the traditional subject-centered - or "I" - concept of freedom is dependent on the transcendent presence of the "Other," and thus freedom becomes a privilege subordinate to justice. There can be no authentic freedom as long as others, whether Native or African, are reduced from full human beings to concepts and thus properties of control and power. Bolton begins with J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur's Letters from an American Farmer, Thomas Paine's incendiary political treatises, and Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence in tracing the celebrations of the a priori right to freedom at America's founding. She then explores three critiqu