Recounts in rhyme the rumpus at the veterinarian's when all the animals get out of their cages.

Hairy Maclary leads all the other dogs in the neighborhood to investigate the terrible caterwauling created when the tough cat Scarface Claw is caught up in a tree.

"Hairy Maclary felt bumptious and bustly, bossy and bouncy and frisky and hustly" Hairy Maclary, everyone's favourite dog, is busy chasing and hustling all the neighbourhood cats from Slinky Malinki to Pimpernel Pugh. But when he comes face to face with Scarface Claw, the toughest tomcat in town, it's Hairy Maclary's turn to be bustled, rustled and hustled!

Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack

by Lynley Dodd

Published 18 January 2001
A small and very determined duckling sets out to play with a rather reluctant dog.