
by Deirdre Sullivan

Published 18 June 2014

‘I loved this book. It’s funny and touching and smart and sharp. Buy it!’ — Louise O’Neill, author of Asking for It and The Surface Breaks

The third installment of the Primrose Leary trilogy from the multi-awarding author of Tangleweed and Brine.

In the event of my untimely death, please burn this unread.  

No, don’t...

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Prim Improper

by Deirdre Sullivan

Published 30 March 2010

The first book in the Primrose Leary trilogy from the multi-awarding author of Tangleweed and Brine.

Primrose Leary has just started secondary school.

Likes: her pet rat, Roderick; her best friend, Joel; being a little bit different (but not in the weird different sense – she wouldn’t like to be...

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Improper Order

by Deirdre Sullivan

Published 28 February 2013

The second installment of the Primrose Leary trilogy from the multi-awarding author of Tangleweed and Brine.

It’s all most improper. Ciara has stopped eating her hair and is practically married to Syzmon. Even Ella has fallen for someone who is not a cat or a ferret. And Joel and Kevin...

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