This volume delves into the mysterious arts of tarot, I Ching and casting runes. Find out what the wands, swords, cups and pentacles of the mystical tarot deck will tell you about the course of your life. Divine from the wisdom of the I Ching's trigrams exactly how to guide yourself through life and changes. Listen to the voice of the ancients as they reveal themselves through the runes. Using knowledge that has been passed down through generations, this guide should help you find the answers within yourself to life-changing questions.

Bringing together three important elements of self-discovery: shamanism, dream therapy and mandalas, this title shows you how to tune into the earth's secret energy to achieve your life's true goals. Shamanism is an all-encompassing lifestyle of deep self-knowledge and powerful healing. Discover how to journey to other worlds using the beat of a drum, how to visualize a sacred space for quiet meditation, and meet a power animal - your personal spirit ally. Decipher your dreams and explore how to prepare for dreaming, and even how to enter dreams and change their outcome. Originating as a Buddhist vehicle for meditation, mandalas are pictures that can take us on a journey from the hustle and bustle of our outer lives to the serene centre inside us. With specially commissioned artworks and colour photography that should allow you to attain deeper levels of consciousness and insight.