Right-wing Ireland?

by Michael O'Connell

Published 1 November 2003
Traditionally in Ireland, conservatism was expressed through and by the Catholic Church. However the declining role of the Church has left a vacuum in Irish politics. In Right-Wing Ireland? the author assesses the likelihood that the vacuum will be filled by a new and shrill right-wing populism. This right-wing populism is based partly on the rise of Euroscepticism, especially as the accession countries of Central and Eastern Europe join the EU. However, the core debate will be around issues of race, immigration and asylum. Evidence from surveys and focus groups are presented highlighting an alarming growth in hostility towards new minorities by major sections of the Irish population. Drawing on patterns in other European countries, and a sober analysis of their similarities to Ireland, the author argues that it is unlikely that sections of the Irish political class will be able to resist playing the "race card" for much longer. However, in response, the book concludes with a devastating demolition of the myths and fabrications employed by the right-wing populists across Europe.